Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ok so I bought my dress!! I didn't think I would buy one on saturday, but when I tried it on I KNEW it was the one! Not to mention that it's been discontinued so I bought ot off the rack for half off! (Well, mom bought it off the rack...lol!)

I brought the wrong cable to work, so I can't upload pics from my camera. However, here is the dress. And yes, I got the veil in the picture. I couldn't resist!

I can't find a picture to post on here of the back, but it's a red corset back. It's gorgeous!

I'll post pics of me in it soon, but remember I am in the raw. No makeup and my hair isn't done. Oh...the dress is a little tight in the upper area but I am steadly losing weight, so toning up should be no problem at all!

Pics to come tonight or tomorrow...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Breathe In....Breath out...

Amanda's famous words...Wooo Saaa. I have to live by that mantra if I'm going to get through this with my sanity. Chuck even said I had to calm down and chill out because he can see I'm really stressing myself out. But I want everything to be perfect. How sad is that, because in the grand scheme of things, all that matters is the look in our eyes when we meet eachothers stare as I walk down the asile. The world will melt away and it will be just me and Chuck and our love and our tears.....BUT....I want my guests to have a wonderful time too. I've been to boaring weddings before where everyone is twiddling their thumbs...I don't want that to be mine. I want everyone to have a blast...this is a celebration of our love and commitment to one another! I want to dance till my feet ache, I want to smile till my face hurts...I want my guests to let their hair down and whoop it up.

I've been doing some pricing and I can cut a lot of costs by cutting some corners. Do it yourself invitations. 2 tier wedding cake (Possibly made by my wonderful future MIL) for the wedding party and sheet cake for the guests. Beer and wine and a few signautre drinks instead of a full bar. Order bulk flowers from Sam's in lots of 100 for a deep discount. Order my bridesmaid's boquets from Sam's. There is so much I have to research, but I can have a lovely, yet frugal wedding.

I look at Valle Vista as a venue on Saturday. I have heard mixed reviews about them, so I have to really be on the Event Coordinator as the specifics of everything. I have heard they like to talk things up so nice, and most of what they talk about is an add on to the base price. So, we'll see how that goes.

I'm also going wedding dress hunting on Saturday. I'm sure we won't buy one, but I need to narrow down some favorites.

I have an appoitment with a lady from Beeson Hall in Franklin on Wednesday. Went there and to the rose garden and it looked really nice.

Tentative Months are now May, June and September. Find my venue first...then set the date. I'm more comfortable with June or September actually...I feel like it gives me a little more time and wiggle room.

Repeat after myself...I will not panic, I will not be mean, and I will NOT be a Bridezilla.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I figured this would be a good spot

To put all my musings and ramblings about my upcomming wedding, and my weight loss challenges.

I am looking to lose 25 - 30 pounds beofre the wedding. That gives me one year. I'm currently following the South Beach Diet, and I have already lost 8 pounds! It's really a great diet, and you sure don't go hungry on it. No one likes Hungry Sarah...not even me. But, I pee a lot. And by a lot I mean like every 20 - 30 minutes. I hear thats a good thing.

My wedding...Oh my god...where to start?! We have a tentative date of May 1st, but I want an outdoor wedding, so we may push it back so it won't be so cold.

My budget is pretty small. I am so greatful for everyone who is contributing, but pulling off a wedding on this budget is going to be HARD work. But then again, so is a marriage and maintaining a healthy relationship, so I guess it's just par for the course.

A good friend told me that this wedding will be everything that I have dreamed about because it's going to be my own blood, sweat, and tears, combined with the ones I love, that bring it all together.

All I can do is pray for a bolt of creative lightning to hit me because I am NOT crafty at all! LOL!

Love you all!

Sarah B.